Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Steve Jobs Presentation on the iPhone 

The best presentation I have ever seen was Steve Jobs presentation on the iphone 2007.
I have many reasons for liking this presentation but mainly because of his technique and how he can inspire people when talking about modern technology. 

These are seven steps to a perfect presentation according to  Lundeberg, R. (2009) 

1. Choose your topic 
2. Determine your purpose 
3. Gather information 
4. Develop an outline or write your speech 
5. Select visual aids 
6. Choose a title 
7. Practice 

I believed that Steve Jobs used all seven steps in his presentation because he choose his topic and named it, he repeated the purpose of his topic, used visual and written information, choose his title "iphone 2007" than gave an excellent presentation which he definitely practiced because when I watched this I could not count any flaws.

When you are listening to many presentations they put you to sleep, true? 
The difference with Steve Jobs presentations are he sets a theme that holds people's attention throughout. His presentations each have a theme that connects with his audience. "Today apple is going to re-invent the phone". 
His beginning and end are as strong as each other, using facts to sell his product.
According to Gallo, C. (2009) Jobs used buzz words like "extraordinary" "amazing" and "cool" to gather people's attention and also to excite them into his new productions. 

What attracted me to this presentation was that Steve had the ability to tell a story through images and video and very little text. I became more interested when watching videos and images than reading text throughout a presentation.

His presentations finish with new outcomes and he always gives a show and not just a speech.
He does not make his presentations difficult to understand but more clear and effective. This is why this particular presentation stood out to me.

Reference list

 Steve Jobs. (2007) iphone presentation. [online]  Available from:
http://youtu.be/6uW-E496FXg Accessed:[ 2/12/12].

Roberta Lundeberg (2009) Steps in planning a presentation. [online] Available from:
Accessed: [3/12/12].

 Bnet. (2009) make a presentation like Steve Jobs.  [online] Available from: http://youtu.be/RHX-xnP_G5s . Accessed: [4/12/12].

Computer news report. (2011) Apple co-founder Steve Jobs dies at 56. [online] Available from: http://computernewsreport.com/2011/apple-co-founder-steve-jobs-dies-at-56/. Accessed: [24/11/12]

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